Dev Log 1

1. Story and Setting:

The player is a ladybug trying to scavenge for berries to eat. They must avoid other ladybugs and enemies during their quest for food. Who can collect the most berries before winter?

2. How do I get food?

All players move 1 space at a time on a turn based system, with all players moving at the same time instead of individual turns. While the goal is to collect the most berries you can, the players have to be careful not to crash into other players, otherwise both of them will drop their score. The berries are randomly generated across the board, and the enemies are trying to take the berries as well, allowing them to destroy berries and hinder the players themselves. Once a player can reach a certain amount of berries, the game ends with the individual player safely retreating with enough food for the winter, while the rest are unable to manage their food for the season.

3. Stylizing the critters

The players and enemies are cute and round. They wiggle and blink randomly to make them feel more life-like.

The game board!
Watch out! The spider likes to crawl along the rows.
The mean beetle walks in the columns.
Pesky fly! It flies around randomly. It might get in your way, even when you don't expect it to.

Come enjoy this fun party game with your friends at the Game Expo on April 20th!

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